Cynthia (Streit) Mazzaferro has been drawing and painting for over 40 years. She recalls her first attempt painting after buying used oil paints and accessory items at a neighborhood tag sale. She painted a beautiful rustic shack along a lakeside set amongst the color change evident in New England. Her art life began using her maiden name of Streit in which she continues to use as her artistic pen/signature.

Her love of life is seen in all that she does. Cindy always knew from a very young girl that her hands were very special and that they were meant to touch people's lives. Realizing her passion towards life and people, she aspired to be a Registered Physical Therapist to help educate and touch people, restoring that which they have lost. Cindy married Tom Mazzaferro and raised two wonderful sons that continue to aspire and reach unbelievable accomplishments in their own lives. Cindy's commitment and love to her family and their demands put a temporary pause in her pursuit of art. For the past fifteen years, she has had the luxury and support from her family to resume her love for art and has been able to capture the beauty in all that she paints.
Cindy believes anything can be accomplished; it is just a matter of attitude, knowledge, perseverance and passion that allows one to succeed. Time is only a moment, and in that moment; much can be seen, reflected and intervened upon if you are only open to what is around you.
'My vision as an artist is to try and capture a moment in time,
for you to appreciate its beauty, to contemplate its sense of time,
and to lift your spirit to a greater sense of fulfillment and peace.'
Synchronicity is a word you often hear her speak about. This is when two or more events that are apparently unrelated or unlikely to occur together are observed to occur together in a meaningful way. She believes we all have connections, interactions to possibilities throughout our lives and actions if we were only open to observe, inter-relate with these windows of time, people and opportunities as they present themselves throughout our time continuum. Swiss psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung in the 1920s first defined 'synchronicities as people, places or events that your soul attracts into your life to help you evolve to a higher consciousness or to place emphasis on something going on in your life.'
'Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.' - Carl Jung
Cindy primarily paints in pastels, oils and colored pencils but on occasion will do pen and ink. In all her art she tries to capture a 'moment in time'; whether the painting captures an emphasis of light, beauty, reflections, or a concept of time that may be altered or changed if only you wait but a moment. Her paintings are usually very representational of landscapes and still life that capture vibrant color, light, reflection, shape and form. Cindy also plein aire paints using nature's palette and lighting to try and capture God's beauty in our world. Recently she is exploring more contemplative/abstract art form that hopefully allows the observer to ponder and consider 'time' and 'personal spiritual growth' and the impact that this piece of art will have upon them personally.
Cindy enjoys meeting people and looking for synchronistic opportunities for new roads of opportunities to reveal themselves. Please comment or leave your thoughts on the guest sign-in book located on the Contact Page.
Thanks so much for visiting my website. Although many of my paintings and prints are hung in private collections world-wide, many are still available. If you are interested in purchasing any of the paintings on my website, commission work or would like a Giclee print please send me an email or contact me.
Thanks for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you!